Laws of money

Laws of Money

4-minute read

There are some financial pills to swallow in life, even if you are healthy!

Choosing your life partner will be the biggest financial decision you ever make.

Here are 5 more financial laws to follow that have helped me on my journey, and I am 99.9% sure they will add value to you!

All these points are for me! A reminder to myself to stick to my values and principles. So grateful I can share them with you!

Thank you for taking the time to read it.

1. Save and you will get more

Money will flow in increasing quantity to the person who puts AT LEAST 10% of his earnings away for himself and his family.

Then invest it or just put it aside to invest at a later stage.

However, it is important to pay yourself first!

Now the question comes: ‘In what do I invest?’

For this, you will need to check back each Friday to find out, as I will share more on the different investments that worked and that did not work, for me.

Many people are better than me at investing, but why not share my good and bad ones with you? It certainly will help you to know what NOT to do. 😂😂 

2. Get rich quick, makes poor!

Money slips away from the person who invests in businesses or purposes he is not familiar with.

This part is a bit controversial, as I have made money with high-risk, speculative investments. But I have lost a lot more from trying to get rich quickly.

We don’t make money by buying or selling, but we make money by choosing great businesses, and then waiting for the business to improve, for our skills to develop, or for a brand to grow stronger.

If investing in new industries, first get familiar with the new industry, and learn as much as possible from it, so it will become easy to understand.

3. Following the poor, makes poor!

Ask the poor what books they read, then don't read them!

Ask about their hobbies, then don't do those hobbies.

Ask about their habits, and then avoid those habits!

This is going to sound like I am bragging…

Though I am extremely fortunate to have lived with and visited many families, been to 4 primary schools and 4 high schools, lived in more than 10 cities, worked and travelled in 41 countries, and currently living in Romania…

I have seen many different individuals,


what I know is, that poor people live differently.

Just seek out the people who want to grow, and then do what you can to grow the relationship with them.

4. Comfort kills growth

Push the boundaries of your mind and body. To get stronger, faster, better, and richer.

-Go that extra rep in the gym,

-Run 1 more minute or walk a little bit more,

-Write and read 1 more sentence

In the same way, your body works, so does money work.

Money gets bored. Don’t let it get comfortable just lying around and doing nothing.

It will find things to buy. Sometimes worthless things.

Rather create an automatic savings plan, or index fund investing if you are not sure what to do with the money.

Just don't get comfortable!

5. Luck comes to those who practice

Work hard, try to build more skills, and things will happen.

You will meet more people and doors will open, you will see opportunities others can't (you will get luckier).

Gary Player, one of the best golfers in the world said “The more I practice the luckier I get”.

When I started on the cruise ship in 2013, the tasks were unthinkably difficult. We had to sell paintings that were $10 000, $20 000, and even $50 000, for one painting. Almost 1 million rand for one work of art (for the South African readers).

That is a huge amount of money for a person who has no skills in knowing how to sell it. But as time went on and skills built, this task got a bit easier.

Many people would have looked at our sales and said that we had lucky cruises, however, it was the practice we put in and the amazing people who trained us.

If you have ideas and a plan, then there will always be people to help you!

Laws are endless

There are many universal laws to govern us. To remind me, and you, about these financial laws, can hopefully help more people.

Until next week.

Keep buying assets



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