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8 Things I tell myself to succeed
8 Things I tell myself to succeed
4 minutes read
Took me some time to write this down as I don’t really follow the rules consciously, but I realized these actions and reminders have helped me alot.
1. Acquire a Growth Mindset
Many people think learning ends when you leave school. For me I thought learning started after school.
Always try to improve.
Don’t have a fixed mindset.
If you want to grow, continue to:
Take courses
Listen to podcasts
Read books and blogs
To succeed, have a growth mindset, and become a lifelong learner.
2. Control Your Thoughts & Emotions
So hard to do, however the wealthy filter their emotions.
Here's how to win:
Remove emotions by meditating or praying more often.
Understand the situation or potential outcomes and be prepared for it (ask questions)
In stressful situations try to smile or keep quiet. It helped me many times.
Control your emotions before they control you.
3. Don't Let Fear Stop You
Fear prevents you from achieving your true potential. (FEAR is the stealer of dreams)
There is fear of:
The unknown
Don't allow fear to stop you.
Use fear as motivation to build a better future.
(I always like to say: “I get butterflies, but I make them fly in order”)
It is easy for me to say after 100’s of skydives, Scuba dives, years of public speaking, investing big sums of money and travelling to unknown places, however it is always present and we need to be conscious about it at all times.
4. Take Action Immediately
The wealthiest people I know go from idea to action immediately.
If you want to get rich, you need to take action.
Call up your mentor or friend for advice on your idea.
Send a cold email to someone already successful with a similar idea.
Start watching YouTube videos and take notes to execute your idea.
Do market research about your idea.
Taking action and failing is better than failing to take action.
5. Filter Out the Noise
Be as selective as possible about the type of information you consume.
Most information is:
Ruthlessly cut out the noise.
Quality information leads to a quality life.
6. Don't Ever Give Up
There is a reason why people say:
"Winners never quit, quitters never win."
Never give up, even if you only have small chance at victory.
Yes, that means you'll have to make sacrifices.
Yes, that means you'll have to work on your idea on top of your 9 to 5 job.
Yes, that means you'll probably get paid nothing for a long time before you see any income.
But it also means freedom.
It means hope.
It means a potentially life-changing direction.
7. Desire Success
If you want success badly enough, it will come to you.
You will do anything to make your dreams a reality.
You'll wake up earlier.
You'll go to bed later.
You'll start thinking about your idea while driving to work or while watching TV.
You'll become obsessed with the desire to succeed.
You'll roll up your sleeves and get ready to work hard.
Because that's what you need to succeed.
Winners convert their thoughts into committed action.
You can have excuses or results, but never both.
Which do you choose?
8. Surround Yourself with Winners
If you want to be a winner, surround yourself with winners.
Build relationships with people who:
Guide you
Inspire you
Motivate you
Great advice from many respected people are:
"Find out early who the people are that GIVE you energy and that DRAIN your energy." Cut out those people that TAKE your energy. And find out how to attract more of those people who GIVE you energy."
That was the best advice I ever got.
Learn from winners and be a winner too.
Thank you for reading this week.
Keep working hard and buying assets